Welcome to Hot Springs Housing Authority Housing Choice Voucher Program. This tenant based program assists very low-income families in locating safe, decent, and affordable housing in the private market by offering assistance payments directly to the owner on behalf of the family. The subsidy remains with the family; it is not attached to the dwelling unit. The amount of subsidy is based on the family's income and household composition.
The Housing Choice Voucher Program is designed to achieve four major objectives:
- To provide improved living conditions for low and very low-income families while maintaining their rent payments at an affordable level;
- To promote freedom of housing choice and integrate lower income and minority families into mainstream society;
- To provide decent, safe, and affordable housing for eligible participants; and
- To provide an incentive to private property owners to rent to lower income families by offering timely assistance payments.
The landlord plays a key role in meeting the objectives of the Housing Choice Voucher Program. Please visit our website often for updates and information.
Owner's Responsibilities
- Screen prospective tenant families
- Do not discriminate
- Maintain the unit structure
- Adequacy of Heating Equipment
- Roof and gutters
- Outside paint or siding
- Inside paint
- Window seals and door facing
- Broken windows
- Plumbing
- Porches
- Handrails
- Security
- Smoke Detector(s) - one in each sleeping room
- Water heating tank must have approved plumbing and shield
- Collect the rent due by the tenant monthly
- Comply with the terms of Lease and the Tenancy Addendum
- Manage the rental unit as any other unit on the open market